Road Trips: My Office on the Road

It’s a road trip kinda weekend!

Right now, I am on a six-week working & racing road trip. I will work from at least seven racetracks during this road trip, and over thirty this year! Earlier this summer, one of our partner activation teams at Breaking Limits produced five major events, plus several smaller ones, at three different racetracks over a five-week working road trip – and this is standard operating procedure for us!

This long holiday weekend, as we celebrate our country’s Independence, is the perfect time to share my top ten list of why I love a good working road trip:

10. I never get bored with my office; the view can change every day!

9. I meet new people along the way – there is no better way to network than to get yourself outside your “turf” and see what happens!

8. My “off-work” hours feel more like mini-vacations – a dinner out at a local farm to table in a new city is a real treat!

7. I’ve worked “remotely” from more than half of the United States of America – including Alaska – and seven countries in Europe!

6. It’s fun to find a new local coffee shop for my “office” when I need a big block of uber-focused time!

5. When I need a mental break, there is always something new and interesting right outside my door to provide a brief respite and refresh!

4. I love busting down paradigms and finding new and better systems and processes. We have many original systems in place at Breaking Limits that add structure to our on-the-road workplace.

3. It makes me happy that our hard-working team can reap these same benefits of our Breaking Limits culture.

2. I am able to travel with my husband to his “office” aka racetracks, and our dog! Bobby Labonte is not only CEO of Breaking Limits, he is also a client. We provide strategic and marketing support for his career and partner relationships too!

1. It’s my jam – I embrace the working road trip for all that it is! Even when things feel a little hectic, I remind myself the benefits far outweigh a little curveball every now and then!

Are you road-tripping this weekend? Where are you headed? Do you have a working road trip planned? Where is adventure taking you this summer?!

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